Friday, May 1, 2009

Brain spinning'ly busy...

So as some of you know, I "run" an online business. I guess some people wouldn't consider it "real" work, but hey, it's my 'thang'... so as some of you MAY NOT know, this weekend, more specifically May the 2nd is National Scrapbooking Day. Bored housewives all around the nation are running to their local craft stores and purchasing up tons of scrapbooking papers and elements to 'preserve their memories'. Well, I don't deal in the paper aspect of it, I deal in digital wares. The housewives gasp in horror!!! Digital? What does that even mean? Well, digital scrapbooking is just as valid and interesting as the old paper stand by... well, frankly, without the mess. One manipulates their digital program of choice (I use Adobe Photoshop) into creating fabulously stunning 'layouts' and then proceeds to print them, or takes them somewhere to be printed. There are actually businesses that will print out out a whole book of your 'digital layouts' for the right price, LOL! Shutterfly being on of them... Well, I provide many bored and wealthy (hahaha!) housewives with digital wares to create their lovely preserved memories. Though my store is a little bit unique, it's not really in traditional 'digital scrapbooking' sizes, which are typically 12 inches X 12 inches, to fit a page perfectly when printed. My particular products were designed with signature tag creators (for places such as online galleries, forums and e-mails) and web/graphic designers in mind. They are all smaller products and are of a lower image resolution to be easily worked with in your digital program of choice. And are easily used for online purposes, such as creating blogs, web pages, even animated banners (that 'we' so lovingly call 'blinkies'). The digital scrapbooking community is quite large and involved, as are the housewives and craft stores that deal in their paper scrapbooking. It's all about preserving your memories and enjoying yourself while being creative! :) Anyway, like I started this post out stating that this weekend is National Scrapbooking Day, the digital community gets involved as well, and lots of online stores that deal in digital wares has sales and issues free items to people, or 'freebies'. Well, my little corner of the internet is no different. We have freebies and sales going on all weekend, and I'm a busy little bee! I'm hoping to generate so much sales this weekend, I can finally get that boob job that I've always wanted... *joke*. Whatever sales I do generate, I will be grateful for, as I put a lot of hard work into my store! I have a wonderful friend and partner Tammy who lives a half a world away in another state, who shares in the glory! :D So yes, busy, busy! Over the last while though, I've managed to snap off a few pics of the girls, lemme rummage some up for ya, here's a reading session that took place the other day! Enjoy!

Emma reading her book she got from the school library...

Abby loves to be read to, especially by her big sister!

Abby doing a little bit of reading herself! LOL!

And the sad motto to that little above story in pictures is that mommy is a slacker and forgot to get the school library book in Emma's backpack on Wednesday morning, so now Emma has to sit out (or so she says, we'll see when she gets home today from school) and color at the round table while the other kids in class get to go to the library and pick out a book. :( Bad mommy!!!! *sigh* So, this weekend we are going to go to our town library which only happens to be like 5 blocks from our house (yay for walking!) and get Emma signed up with her own library card and pick out a couple of books. As if she doesn't have enough books here, but I understand her thirst for knowledge, bahahaha! ;) Aside from that, I will be celebrating my big fat 31st birthday on Sunday, go me! LOL! Birthday's tend to loose some of their sparkle 'n shine after you have kids, so per usual, it will be a mellow occassion with birthday cake- which is just fine. I'm happy as long as I have cake, I could probably eat birthday cake every day of the year... *sigh* Anyway, enough rambling from me, as if I don't have enough shit to do today, OH! Why I even decided to make a blog post... I stumbled upon a super hilariously fabulous 'mommy' blog today... I put it in the sidebar to the right with a link, but here it is again, go visit and have fun reading! ~~~~~>
Ta ta for now~ until next time, be cool!


Jen said...

Oh yeah - I know all about how lazy you are. Just sitting at the computer all day....:-)))


Some of our eclectic interests...