Well over the weekend we ALL managed to catch a cold. I'm even sick!!! I've had "mommy immunity" all year long, haven't been sick at all while every other week the girls are sick, but my body has finally given in! Bleh! I feel awful! :( Started Sunday into Monday, Abby's got it the worst, gave it to me, now Emma's got it bad and Jer will be the last to get it, I think. Waaaaah! Sucky! Anyway, our weekend was chill. Not much went on, oh! Emma did go to a birthday party on Saturday at a bowling alley. She loved it. Never been bowling before, but I think we might have to start going every now and then, it's a nice small alley and super fun! Here's some pics over the weekend and the bowling alley! I'm completely zonked and wish I could crawl under a cozy blankie for a much needed rest! But alas, a mother can not! LOL! Enjoy the pics...
Friday, Jer and Emma started the weekend off by going to
the local Drive In here and saw Night at the Museum 2, from what I hear, Emma lasted about 15 mins before passing out! They wanted to see Monsters Vs Aliens but it was on too late. They got home at like 11.30pm that night as is, she was snoozing!
Bowling Alley birthday party!
She actually picked up a spare once! Not too bad! :)
She was very anxious watching her ball go down the alley! LOL!
She used a 'ramp' a couple of times...
Hers was the second "E", she did pretty well! :)
The party.. she's the second from the right!
Yes, that is a picture of her butt! She's the one in the middle, LOL! Between the stools! I just got such a huge laugh out of this picture! LMBO!!!!
That's it for the pictures... Hope everyone had a nice memorial day and didn't get sick like us! LOL! We have a super busy week this week actually. Thursday is Emma's Spring Concert at school (oh yes there will be a million pictures!) and then Friday at like 5:30 am, my mom will be here for her visit! Then there is only a few more days of school left for Emma until summer break, her last day of school is a June 5th, and that day only goes until like 11:30, no lunch or anything. Oh and since Emma's birthday is in the summer, they give those kids a "pretend" birthday and Emma's is June 3rd, which happens to be a field trip type of day so I have to take treats to a local park here, LOL! That will be lots of fun too! Oh! and my mom's birthday is June 6th, hehehe! OH! and Jer will be out of town starting the 31st to Georgia for work training, wow... all of that sounds extremely busy... I am tired now. LMBO! Until next time...
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