Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Emma's 6th Birthday Party Day! 6-30-09

LOL! I was talking to my mom on the phone last night and she loving reminded me yet again, that I need to update this poor forgotten blog! hehe! So, I've been extremely busy with my new website and guess what?! It's done!!! woohoo! I will more than likely make new blinkies today and alter some older ones w/ the old blog url on it, but here it is: http://www.designsbysarahbryan.com! That site, right now, is for my blinkie and blog design. Hopefully this site will be more fun and easier to navigate! It's definitely easier to work with, than the blogger platform! AND... I edited the free template and added all of the content BY HAND! I didn't open FrontPage once!!!! All with good old notepad and firefox! Well, I used a program called notepad++, which edits particular types of files and it ROCKS! So, now I have the week to work on a brand new didi scrapbooking collab I agree'd to take part in with my store partner/friend Tammy and another store owner/friend. So, it should be really fun, I'm hopefully going to bust out my part today or tomorrow. I have a lot of ideas brewing! So on Saturday we had Emma's 6th birthday party day! LOL! She's not technically 6 until July 3rd (which is right around the corner!) but another girl scout mom friend of mine named Sherri thought it would be fun to do their b-days on the same day since a lot of our same friends are in girl scouts too and some are going to be busy the rest of the summer etc etc. So Sherri and I busted it out, and it was fun planning and playing! :) The girls had a nice time too! We went to the local park here called Kids Kingdom and the kiddo's played while the mom's hung around and chatted. I have some pictures here to post, so I will get to those before I get busy for the day! Thanks for stopping by!

MMMM! cake!!!
Attempting to light the candles, but it didn't work, too breezy in the totally gorgeous day!
So the girls pretended to blow out the candles! LOL!
Cuttin' and passin' around cake!
Munchin' cake 'n ice cream!
A great barbie, coloring book, lip gloss and bracelets from Savannah her sister and Mom! :)
Putting on lip gloss!
Cute coloring book!
Emma's buddy Katey opening her card and present!
Abby and Daddy!
Spongebob bubbles!
More present opening! :)
The girls spread out on a blankie doin' the present thing!
Reading a card from friend Madison!


Some of our eclectic interests...