Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Howdy all! LOL! Been a while, eh? I gave the blog and family website a little graphic makeover, which I think is totally cute and ever since then, I kinda wandered off! Actually the last couple of weeks has been really trying on myself and my family. I tried the part time outside of the house job thing, and it ended up just not working. It wasn't something I could actually get my heart and head into, so I decided it just wasn't the time for something like that right now in my life. So now that I'm settled back in at home, I have a bit of catching up to do, now that my head is back in the game, heheh. I've got graphics to catch up on and a commissioned blog that I've got to finish up. About a week ago, my SIL and her adorable little munchkin Sydney came over to visit, and I snapped off a few pictures while hanging around and chatting, so I will share those and I'll rummage around for some of the girls that I've taken lately, then I gotta go get the laundry done and hop myself into the shower. Today is Wednesday, so it's early out day for Emma, so Abby's gotta get her nap in, and I gotta get my chores in! :)

Enjoy the pics!

Sydney! A little over a year old, isn't she precious?!


Abby & Syd!

Abby's big mug! :)

Bath time! LOL!  ...and yes, that is Abby EATING bubbles. *sigh*


Some of our eclectic interests...