Monday, March 16, 2009

Pink Chicken Recipe

Hi all! I'm going to attempt this recipe here! I just made this last night, and although there really isn't measurements, it's super easy to make and I know you will all love it, if you give it a try!
The recipe began when my mom came to visit from Washington state. My mom's always trying new recipes and e-mailing or calling me to tell me to try this or that out. We tried this one together after she'd made it at her own house, and it became a family favorite!

Pink Chicken

Here's what you gotta pick up:

1 large yellow onion

Butter, half a stick or so

1 Whole Chicken, cut up

Potatoes for mashing, so about what? 6-7 medium potatoes

Here's how you make it:

Grab your whole cut up chicken, or just cut up your own chicken, I didn't have a whole chicken thawed, nor did I have Jeremy here to cut up the chicken into pieces (I'm a little de-de-de when it comes to that), so I just grabbed one from the store, already cut etc etc. Do a lil rinse job on the chicken, and put the pieces into a 13 X 9 baking dish, set aside.

Grab a medium sized mixing bowl and open one packet of the onion soup mix, pour into the bowl. Using a can opener, open your cranberry jelly, toss that into the bow, and finally some of the Catalina dressing, about oh, I would say maybe 1 1/2 - 2 cups worth- get that into the bowl too! Do some mixing, and toss in some chopped garlic if you have some, salt, pepper, whatever you use to do your general seasoning. Last night, I used chopped garlic, salt, pepper and tossed in a bit of garlic salt and onion powder, but that's just me! Everyone season's differently! :)

The cut up chicken I got last night had the skin on, which I do enjoy, but it does end up making the sauce quite fatty, so I removed all of the skin from the chicken pieces EXCEPT for the breast, I kept that piece on because a lil chicken fat ain't gonna kill ya, and it makes the breast more tender, and the sauce have a lil more umph to the flavor! ;) You can choose to leave the skin on all of your pieces if they have skin on them, or remove the skin entirely, it's up to you!

Now take your mixture and just pour it onto the chicken pieces in the baking dish. Super simple! Give the chicken a little flip w/ some tongs to coat it pretty well and toss some foil over it. Put it into a 350 degree oven for about 45 mins to an hour.

Here is a picture mid cook, I checked it half way through and gave the chicken a lil flip action, and replaced the foil. See.. it's totally pink! LOL! :)

While that is cooking, you will be peeling your potatoes and setting them aside like so...

I turned the potatoes on about 30 mins before the end of cook time and let them do their boil thang... I also sliced thin, my large yellow onion (made Jeremy do part of it because my eyeballs were protesting, LOL!), then got them into a pan w/ some butter to caramelize.

The thinner the slices, the better. You can tell where my slicing stopped (thin pieces) and Jer's slicing began (thicker pieces) LOL! Try and keep the slices all the same size, heheh!

Now, it's just about cooking and throwing everything together. The chicken does it's own thing, cookin' away, and you would prepare your potatoes however you prefer, mashing them up and folding or mixing in the caramelized onions.

You'll be able to see the caramelized onions throughout the mashed potatoes, they are awesome! :)

Then, just pull out your cooked chicken, let it cool, serve up your mashed potatoes and a side of your favorite veggie, we choose sweet corn off the cob last night! :)

Hope you enjoyed the recipe, it's really easy and full of tons of flavors, sweet and savory all at the same time! Try it at your house and send some photos!


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