Monday, March 23, 2009


When a hair removal cream says DO NOT USE ON THE FACE... do what it says, and don't do it... just resist the urge to remove your girly sideburns, put down the cream and step away!!!

... that was my weekend in a nutshell. A painful little nutshell. Although on Saturday we met up with the Girl Scout Daisy troop in front of Ace Hardware to do some booth sales of the cookies, it was pretty decent... except that Emma's caught yet another cold and was hacking up a lung, so our stay was pretty short lived. It was back home with her, to pump some cold medicine into her. The poor stinker, she is just miserable. She's literally been sick every other week since she started kindergarten. And these past few times no one else in the house but her has caught the cold, so I dunno what it is, some 5 year old only cold or something, LOL! Anyway... things have been mellow, like I like them. I don't have too many pictures, here's a few I have taken lately...

LOL! Isn't she saucy?

Emma, last Thursday, before heading off to school.

And... Abby playing in her winter hat... @@!

Thursday night was family fun night at the school, and they held a book fair that night as well. We had a really nice time, and Emma got 3 books! :)


Anonymous said...

OMG, I love that picture of Abby, look at that tude..lmbo! Girl you got your hands full..:)

Some of our eclectic interests...