Monday, April 13, 2009

Exciting Easter & Spring Break is over!

Well hello lovely blog readers! How was everyone's weekend? Hopefully as lovely as ours was! Here's a lil run down of our weekend...

On Friday we built the girls' Easter Bunny House... it was a good time!

On Saturday we went and got Abby her very first hair cut and I snapped off a bunch of photo's because she was being a very good girl and got a well deserved sucker.

We colored eggs Saturday night too, that was super fun.

Abby liked dropping the eggs into the coloring cups a little TOO much, I think.

We only came away from the coloring experience with one accident (*coughjeremycoughcough*) and the eggs were sure pretty!

We played most of the day outside as we were just blessed with outstanding weather all weekend.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter like we did! The girls played w/ their Easter baskets and had an egg hunt in the backyard, even ate some chocolate bunnies, LOL! You can check out our family Easter Celebration Page for 2009 HERE if you're interested in seeing more photo's! :)

I've been a busy bee today updating our family website, I added Emma's pictures from her Girl Scouts Princess Ball to THIS PAGE, and then I added SIX (count them, SIX!) brand new pages of photo's to our Family Pics Pages; 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22! Told you I've been busy! I dunno how I find time, I'm crammed doing banners and graphics for people's websites and just try and find time to squeeze in some website time for myself, LOL! My host right now, Go Daddy, is kinda being cranky, so if you get any errors or slow uploading of the pages, just check back later! ;)

Emma went back to school today, whew! It was actually a very lovely spring break, everyone got along nicely and I'm proud of my girls for behaving themselves. LOL! It was a rough night Sunday night, everyone was tired from an extremely fun filled week, so it's very nice to get back into our regular groove. Not sure what we'll be doing come summer break, but we'll have to plan a few fun trips here and there. I know my mom will be visiting in end of May begining of June while Jer is doing a work related Kodak training thingy in Georgia, so that will be fun, and my dad usually visits in the summer too, around the end of July. It will be really nice to see him again, I miss him a lot. It's always nice when my folks come because I feel like myself, like I can truly be myself and not be judged, harassed, bullied or misunderstood. Ahhh, could you imagine living that way all the time? Ya, I can. But I'm over that! *shrug* Anyway, I won't be a sour Sally, we're all smiles here. I thought of a new saying that I'm going to start telling Jer... "If you're happy, then I'm happy." :D Alrighty, well Abby's nappin' so that is my cue to hop in the shower and get some chores done all while grabbing a bite to eat and watching some shows on the DVR. Hope everyone's well and had a great Easter where ever they are! :)


Some of our eclectic interests...