.... Easters' on it's way! Heheh! Here's some photo's from the last few days, and last night of the girls building their Easter Bunny house, or 'hutch', LOL! I'm also uploading a snippet of video of Emma reading from Horton Hears a Who- she's a great reader! :D
{click images to make larger if you want to!}
Emma and Abby playing on my bed reading...
Here's some video of Em reading to Abs! :)
This was yesterday, it turned out to be a lovely day! We played outside a while...
Per usual... Abby's doin' her own thing... LOL! It's like trying to wrangle a wild monkey! HAHAH!
Here's Emma and Abby last night, putting together their bunny house!
Well that's about it for pictures! I'm going to have to update our family website soon w/ these fun pics of Easter! I will have tons more tonight, we are coloring eggs! Weee! Hehehe! Then I will photograph their baskets and the Egg Hunt in the mornin'! :) Hope everyone has a super fan-freaking-tastic Easter where ever they are! :)
Sarah, looks like the girls had a blast! That house is really cool looking..:) Can't wait to see the rest!
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