Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hippity Hoppity.... Gobs of pictures!

.... Easters' on it's way! Heheh! Here's some photo's from the last few days, and last night of the girls building their Easter Bunny house, or 'hutch', LOL! I'm also uploading a snippet of video of Emma reading from Horton Hears a Who- she's a great reader! :D

{click images to make larger if you want to!}

Emma and Abby playing on my bed reading...

Here's some video of Em reading to Abs! :)

This was yesterday, it turned out to be a lovely day! We played outside a while...

Per usual... Abby's doin' her own thing... LOL! It's like trying to wrangle a wild monkey! HAHAH!

Here's Emma and Abby last night, putting together their bunny house!

Well that's about it for pictures! I'm going to have to update our family website soon w/ these fun pics of Easter! I will have tons more tonight, we are coloring eggs! Weee! Hehehe! Then I will photograph their baskets and the Egg Hunt in the mornin'! :) Hope everyone has a super fan-freaking-tastic Easter where ever they are! :)


Tammy said...

Sarah, looks like the girls had a blast! That house is really cool looking..:) Can't wait to see the rest!

Some of our eclectic interests...