Thursday, April 9, 2009


Good evening blog readers! Here I am, blogging from bed! LOL! I guess I just have a lot on my mind and poor Jer's ears would probably start bleeding if he had to listen to anymore of my babbling, heheh! So, lucky you all, eh? Hmm, where to start? Well, first off, I just have to say that I am so proud of my 5.5 year old, Emma. Today she really proved to me how thoughtful and mature she is, and she's becoming such a smart and loving person. I had the misfortune of having to explain a few things to her today that you'd think no 5 year old should have to hear or deal with, and she took it quite well. Frankly, it had to do with the on going family squabble that I find myself constantly in the midst of- and luckily today it came to a head and I made a decision for myself and my family that I think will benefit us in the long run. I guess it's hard to explain w/o going into gross detail, which I'd rather not have to do via a blog post, just know, dear readers, that I have amazing children and I'm so very proud of them and blessed to be their mother. And if anyone's out there reading in internet-land and has felt misunderstood in life, and has felt bullied or burdened, please know that I understand and have felt that way myself a lot lately. There's always a choice though, remember that.

So, after that fine note- who is excited for Easter? Anyone? LOL! We are excited here, that is for sure. Several days ago we got a bunny house- like a gingerbread house, but with bunnies, lol! for the girls to construct over the weekend, and they are really looking forward to that! Tonight we went out and bought a ton of eggs to color saturday during the day, and last tuesday at Girl Scouts, the troop made little carrot holders for bunny food, for the Easter bunny of course! ;) Emma's excited to sprinkle that out in the backyard saturday night. We're gonna get them each a basket probably sometime friday or saturday and hide them for sunday morning, lol! I told Emma that we'll leave the eggs out for the bunny on saturday night, and MAYBE he will find them and hide them for her and Abby to find sunday morning- boy did she get excited about that. Now, if I mention Santa, she is pretty sure that he doesn't exsist (wonder where she got that idea?!) but when you mention the Easter bunny, she's all over the idea! hahah! Goofy kiddo! :D I'm pretty excited for her and Abby too, they are both looking forward to coloring and hunting for those eggs. Good thing they are both HUGE fans of hard boiled eggs, egg salad sandwhiches and deviled eggs- which I know we're going to have a butt load of! Ah well, here it is ten minute to 11 pm, and my eye balls are spinnin' starin' at the laptop screen. I'm sure Abby appreciates me clickin' away over here in bed on the keyboard too- LOL! And no need to gasp people, yes, we sleep share w/ our 2 year old, she's in her toddler bed in our room. It's my gift, that I give to her, to hold her near to me until we are both ready for the space. Emma turned out wonderfully because I gave her that gift and again... I'm so proud to be their mother. Thank you all for reading- good night and sleep tight! :)


Some of our eclectic interests...