Sunday, April 5, 2009

Pictures, pictures, everywhere!

Hello! :) Well yesterday was Saturday and while Abby fights off an ear infection, I took Emma to her "after" Girl Scout Cookie Sale Party at the local skating rink here (it's actually like 6 blocks from our house, lol!). Emma had never been on "real" skates before, so it was quite the experience! I think we both had a lot of fun, but the loud music and dim lights kinda threw the learning experience off! I remember when the music went off for a few minutes, she said "Oh good, I can't concentrate with that loud music on!" But the music came back on shortly after that! Definitely not a place to "learn" how to skat, but she had fun nonetheless. Here's some pics from over the last little bit, and some from the skating rink.

 Here's Abby enjoying some applesauce and then coloring...

Holy Chompers!
Poor sickly girl! ANOTHER ear infection, UGH!

Emma & Madison (a girl scout troop friend)

This honestly looks a lot worse than the fall ended up being! LOL!!!

 She preferred skating on the carpet to the actual rink! LOL!

Eating cupcakes that the Girl Scout leaders brought

And then later that day we visited Jer's sister Jess and Abby and Sydney played!

(yes, Abby's got her paci, because she's miserable- can't you tell? LOL!)


Tammy said...

Oh Wow, Em looks like she had a blast..where are pictures of you on those! It has been years since I skated I would be on my butt half the time, I should take the kids some time. Great pics, and I hope little miss Abby starts to feel better.

Some of our eclectic interests...